Sunday, November 1, 2009

What is the plan exactly ?

Ever feel like you know exactly what is going on only to realize you have no earthly idea what God is doing?

That has been my life lately, asking myself things like: What is He prepping me for? What am I going through this struggle or that one for? Well, I am deciding that it doesn't matter what the end result is so long as I glorify Him in the process. So much of what we go through has nothing to do with what the actual outcome is but rather the way we go through it!

In short, I don't have all the answers but I know God is in control and if we go to Him in our lack of, in our brokenness and humbly seek His will for our lives He will come through for us.


1 comment:

Whitney said...

hhhmmm....That is so true! It is so easy to assume it is always about the end result - That is all I tend to focus on. The journey through it is what shapes us though. Good Stuff!