Thursday, February 11, 2010

What it's supposed to be like!

Today they amaze me, they encourage me to press on, they listen and work excited for what's to come.

A couple weeks ago we decided to bring our little man back home to us. So scared and unsure of the decision I was but I trusted that God was speaking through him, the daddy of our home that is. Through constant prayer and laying before our Lord, my family, it's beginning to show the surrender, the willingness to do what is not our plan but HIS!

Today is amazing. We began with stories read by the princess of 11 and we listened to the rhymes, the cadence of the words, and smiled. Then without pressure we parted, readied ourselves for the day and meet with Him! Each on our own, even Mr. Independent himself. He sat in his quite time spot, a chair just like daddy's and visited with his God for a few minutes through books, music and innocent prayers. The princess did the same adding her scriptures to read chronologically through the Bible this year.


Then came the other stuff...Language Arts, Math and Reading.
We love this stuff too but not quite as much as time with HIM! Of course we enjoy learning the lessons needed to succeed, the fascinating stories of American History and exactly how to write each letter correctly. The bios of our founding fathers and classic Golden book stories like The Poky Little Puppy.

Everyday does not always look like this, sometime there are rabbit trails, behavior to encourage and hearts to train but as for today, this is it and I'll take it!

Now we are done for the day... off to the library to return things borrowed and find new treasures.

All's complete but laundry, dinner, dishes and the lessons we sneak in along the way.

Point your kids in the right direction
when they're old they won't be lost.
Proverbs 22:6
(The Message)


Michelle said...

Nicely said.

Aleatha said...

I am so proud of you! Yes, for homeschooling Ty but mainly b/c you listened to your men! God and Bill. Oh the blessings to come your way! You go girl!!

Katie said...

Translation: Money, to bring you the joy of the day, but do not bring you peace and happiness.