Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week Three: Who exactly do you think you are?

My mind tries to fathom who you are. My brain reaches to understand your majesty but it is impossible to take in all that you are.

The one who "laid the foundations of the Earth and gives order to the morning". The God who knows "when mountain goats give birth and who gives the horse it's strength". The one who "has seen the gates of the shadow of death and sends the lightning bolts in their way".

Oh God of the universe, expand my mind with more of you! Fill me with more of your presence, and Father, when I am prideful and think I know all remind me as you did Job of your Majesty. Remind me that you and only you know all things, that if I can't wrap my brain around your creation, what makes me think I will understand your ways!

Trust, Faith in you is vital!

And when I realize my insufficency, Lord let me Praise you.

Job 38-41


Superhero Mom said...

So well said Katie! Beautifully written! I love you so much!

Michelle said...

Great post! Loved the last line, may that ring true in all of us!