Monday, July 25, 2011

Don't shrink back, believe.

The days turn to weeks and the weeks to years. You can get lost. Each one counts, each one a choice, a chance to be who you always wanted to be...

...the girl God said he'd never leave or forsake, the one he promises to finish, the wife who loves with the unconditional and the mommy that harvests only when the crops are ready.

Don't harden your hearts I read.
It's tough but His word is alive and active. Sharp, read it, learn it, chew on it.
Don't crucify Him again. Once is enough. He loves you.

The old has gone the new has come, now Have faith. The ancients did. And they didn't receive it, that which was promised to them. God had plans, bigger and better.

The way can be confusing, the path overgrown with sinful nature, the light at the end barely visible. Stumbling, groping, trying to make my way without Him is impossible. The weeds catch my feet and the thorns pierce with pain. This doesn't feel like joy.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time.
Train, the harvest will come.

Persevere. Run the race. The one set out. With Jesus as the prize.

So I choose you. I do as you say. I call for you. You come to my side. I keep walking, learning, trusting and maybe my God has plans, bigger and better for me too!

~Transforming this life in Hebrews

Grateful for All This, #133-#172

catching up...a whole year
glow of the moon lighting the path ahead
begs for bedtime stories
the need for this Mommy's love
heart/soul that longs to see you gifts
warmth in the sheets after a restful night
sleepy smiles
friends who love
the hum of his muffler
calloused hands soaking in dishwater to bless me
busy little bodies ready for learning daddy's lessons
morning hugs that heal
excitement for things yet to come
pancakes and yummy sausage
relaxing days at home
fresh eggs
patience rewarded
the suns warmth
sweat from the run
playful giggles from park toys
conviction in his voice
breakfast sandwiches, homemade
stretching the creamer with milk
opportunities to serve
Boys vs Girls
spring bird songs
wet ground, soaking up the dew of morning
screen doors
soothing music
candlelit mornings
crisp autumn air
silverware drumsticks
cozy slippers
warm sheets on chilly mornings
chalk written spelling words
good morning calls
curled up lips
store bought fall leaves that bring me to another place
streaming pictures of our adventures

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Lovely post and food for thought. Love your list especially the cozy slippers one. Blessings