Monday, August 24, 2009

Capturing each moment

Without my camera I notice how much I really loved it, just a simple Kodak point and shoot but oh the memories I was capturing.

This time I am thankful for:

32. Each and every time I can snap a precious picture even if only in my mind
33. She reads to him before nap time, with puppets and all
34. His coming back 1hr later for the half a PB&J we saved that
"he just couldn't eat, too full"
35. Tractor running all morning, wiping away the tall sun burnt grass,
revealing lush green
36. Pearly white teeth yet to take their journey to my jewelry box
37. Soft sheets & Feather pillows
38. The single freckle on his nose
39. Warm brownies with cold milk
40. Their willingness to stay up, listen and encourage, I love you both
41. My Bible, Gods spoken Word
42. Saturday morning shows on ch.45 The Good Life,
that is what it is...
43. Expectancy... for what God will do each day
44. T.V. off for Family devotions in Philippians



Superhero Mom said... beautiful!

Deborah Ann said...

"Laugh often" is my motto in life too!


Heather said...

So sweet! This is a grateful list:) Blessings, Heather