Monday, September 7, 2009

Ending this Season

With the change from one time to the next,
I can see Him all the more clearly.

As Summer comes to an end...
His majesty in the sweaty days of summer, the heat of the Florida sun, cold water to cool the steaming skin. I am amazed how he planned it to move through time, everything having it's season.

And as Autumn approaches...
the heat begins to fade, cool breezes blow through the air, blankets feel cozier than ever and the dieing begins. The time for Summer fun draws to an end, the time for windows to be open and comfort foods served, rises again.

This Summer season has proved to be a rocky one, many mountains and valleys. But just as there are seasons for this earth, there are seasons for this life. High and low, beautiful and ugly...all for the growing. Consider it pure joy (every season), ... knowing that the testing of your faith develops perseverance!

God as this season comes to a close and the next takes it's place:

Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.



Maria said...

The changing seasons do give us opportunity to start afresh.
Giving thanks with you here as we enter the sweet season of autumn.
All the best as you seek The Best,

Linda said...

There are different seasons and the Lord has purpose and grace for each of them. Thank you for sharing your grateful heart.