Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I just have to say today that aside all my mistakes and impurities, I am so thankful for Gods grace(completely undeserved and unearned).

I am not unlike you during this time, I get angry and fume... I don't realize I'm somewhere else...somewhere I don't even want to be. Yet I defend the castle I've built, desperately wanting to be rescued. You are there just beyond where I think I can jump, it's only by my own faults, my own wall that I can't see you right now! I wait here until my mind is right, until the clouds drift away, until I can chip some small pebbles out and the light floods the space...Ah...now I see you, now I have the strength to come to you, now I remember!

1 comment:

Dani said...

Wow. I needed your beautiful, inspiring words today...more than you could ever imagine. Thank you. :-)