Thursday, September 10, 2009

Super Saving

"You can get anywhere if you simply go one step at a time"

Well, tonight was the first of a 13 wk class put on by Financial Peace University. Hubby and I decided to sign up for this one as we have a record of making what we "think" to be good decisions. However, our current state proves otherwise.

With that said I am excited to be part of this class although Bill won't be able to attend every wk I'll be there to take it all in. The video sessions taught by Dave Ramsey are hilarious and he really seems like he is legit, ya know not just a millionaire trying to make more, from telling you how to do things their way. Nope, not him at all, this is totally Gods way and Dave's just relaying the info.

My plan is to post what my thoughts are after each session and have some accountability to follow through with my weekly homework (which doesn't seem to heavy but this is only week 1)

  • fill out the quickie budget, bring it next week
  • log in to FPU member resources
  • read ch.1, 2, 3 and 10
  • begin saving my first 1,000.00 emergency fund

My hope is to have a better out look on how to handle our money. I also hope to walk away from this program with the tools to make wiser choices with how we spend our money. And hey, if we have managed to save a nice chunk for emergencies in the process, sweet!

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful, Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
Hebrews 12:11


Superhero Mom said...

Seems like I'm just bursting with pride for you today! Again...very proud of you! I'm glad you will be posting your will help some of us who were unable to take the class...give us good hints! Love you girl! Now get to work!

Michelle said...

I just picked up my stuff today! I did our quickie budget and just got the code to login. reading, yikes! We better get on that.
I am excited to go on tis journey with you in real life and in blog world!